Health Care is here

DNA Testing Services
Now Available!

We offer DNA testing for all biological relationships, from paternity &
maternity to grand-parentage, siblingship, cousinship & male lineages

Who Were Are

About City Medicals Uganda

We an accredited 24hr services health facility providing travel medicine, onsite and remote site medical services, medical fitness to work and routine medical checkups, onsite and mobile laboratory services, radiology, DNA testing and provision of medical equipment and supplies.

Medical Fitness To Work
We offer a range of assessments and tests to evaluate the physical and mental health of employees
Travel Medicine
We provide vaccines to protect travelers against preventable diseases that can be encountered during their trips
DNA Testing
Our DNA services include paternity, maternity and sibling testing.

Accredited Yellow Fever Vaccination Centre in Uganda

We are accredited by Ministry of of Health Uganda to administer yellow fever vaccine to all classes of travelers. We also replace the yellow fever books.

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